



Fig. 1 Comparison of the bond energies or the penalty energies on the basic test molecules.



Fig. 2 Results of the c-SiO2 thermal expansion.

來自三星日本公司Junichi Noaki等,開發(fā)了Si/O/H反應(yīng)力場(chǎng)參數(shù)集,并將其應(yīng)用于硅干/濕氧化過程中,以理解Si(100)表面熱氧化的基本物理原理。


Fig. 3 Total energies calculated on small c-SiO2 test structures in different phases as a function of the volume per atom.


Fig. 4 Comparison of bond energies or the penalty energies on the Si/O/H test molecules.



Fig. 5 Time evolution of the number of O atoms retained in the system through the thermal oxidation of Si.

該工作提供的ReaxFF參數(shù),為未來各種環(huán)境下的制造工藝的研究提供了有用的信息和見解。該文近期發(fā)表于npj Computational Materials?9:?161?(2023)。


Fig. 6 Relation between the oxygen coordination numbers of Si and the number of O-bond centers.

Editorial Summary

Silicon dry/wet oxidation: Development of the reactive force field

Molecular dynamics (MD) is an important numerical simulation method, which can carry out the time evolution of the target system by solving the equation of motions for all simulated atoms that are interacting with each other, thereby investigate the properties of materials from the coordination of individual atoms in the system at a given simulation time by calculating the constituent energy and other thermodynamic quantities.

Fig. 7 Comparison between the number of H-terminated defects and that of the unterminated defects through the time evolution of the?wet oxidation.

The central issue of MD is how to accommodate the quantum-scale interactions into the classical equations and construct a sufficiently effective and accurate model. Among numerous potential models, the reactive force field (ReaxFF) potential is widely used in extensive studies in the field of material because of its reproducibility of physical phenomena with great accuracy. However, so far many systems of interest are simply not covered in the literature, or, if any, further elaborate tuning is required based on previously developed parameter sets to make up a reliable MD model to answer practical questions. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop the ReaxFF parameter sets.?

Fig. 8 Charge distribution of the H-related bonds over the depth of the system at the latest time (2.5 ns) of our simulation.

Junichi Noaki et al. from Samsung Japan Corporation, developed the Si/O/H reactive force field parameter set and applied to silicon dry/wet oxidation process to understand the underlying physics of the thermal oxidation of the Si(100) surface. Employing the experimental volume of the SiO2 crystal at different temperatures as training data, a realistic thermal behavior was accomplished, finishing the same result over the temperature range of 300–1300 K. With strategic tunings of parameters related to Si/O/H system, the authors carried out the simulation comparing the wet-and dry processes.?


Fig. 9 Results of the population analysis at the latest time as a function of the layer height for ReaxFF(present) and ReaxFF(Nayir2019).

In the demonstration of the resulting ReaxFF, results provided some key characteristics of the H atoms in the ‘in-situ-steam-generation (ISSG)’ oxidation processes, including the effect on the layer-by-layer oxidation property and the oxidation rate enhancement. Via comparing the results with those obtained by using parameter set recently developed by other authors, an insight into the role of H atoms in the oxidation process was acquired. ReaxFF parameters in this work provide useful information and insight into the study of manufacturing processes for various settings in the future. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials?9:?161?(2023).

Fig. 10 Areal density of the O accumulation for different H2?contents (filled symbols) as a function of time.


Development of the reactive force field and silicon dry/wet oxidation process modeling (開發(fā)反應(yīng)力場(chǎng)模擬硅干/濕氧化過程)

Junichi Noaki,?Satoshi Numazawa,?Joohyun Jeon?&?Shuntaro Kochi?


We developed the Si/O/H reactive force field parameter set and applied to silicon dry/wet oxidation process to understand the underlying physics of the thermal oxidation of the Si(100) surface. Through a systematic development of the Si/O parameter using the experimental data of the volumes of the SiO2?crystal as a reference, we reproduced the same result over the temperature range of 300–1300?K. With strategic tunings of parameters related to Si/O/H system, we carried out the simulation comparing the wet-and dry processes. A significant acceleration of the oxide film growth seen in the ‘in-situ-steam-generation (ISSG)’ is successfully represented. These properties of our model imply its applicability in wider scope. We compare our results with those obtained by using parameter set recently developed by other authors. Investigating the configuration of atoms near the interface of the SiO2?film, our model is found to be able to study the role of hydrogen atoms for the ISSG acceleration.






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